> Galleries > Fifteen Years of Printmaking > Thou Hast Tested Me (Psalm 17) Next artwork: Youth is Renewed (Psalm 103) >

Thou Hast Tested Me (Psalm 17) 1973 18 x 12
Thou Hast Tested Me combines two independent blocks.
The block at the top of the print, titled The Akeida Angel, represents the angel who comes to stay Abraham's hand from slaying his son, in the biblical account of the binding of Isaac.
The lower block represents the speaker of Psalm 17. In the 1917 Jewish Publication Society translation, the Hebrew Bible that Golahny read, the psalm begins:
17:1 Hear the right, O the Lord, attend unto my cry; give ear unto my prayer from lips without deceit.
17:2 Let my judgment come forth from Thy presence; let Thine eyes behold equity.
17:3 Thou hast tried my heart, Thou hast visited it in the night; Thou hast tested me, and Thou findest not that I had a thought which should not pass my mouth.